

All projects are responsive for mobile

React-TypeScript Calendar
I’m currently building with React, TypeScript, Sass, React-hook-form library, Date-fns, MUI and Firebase for auth and database. Including a daily planner.
Post Your Thought
A social media platform I've designed and built with React, JSX, JS, CSS modules and Firebase integration for Auth, Database and Storage. Authenticated users can set up their profile, post their thoughts, check out other users profile pages and posts, like posts and scroll through the homepage feeds.
React Expenses Chart App
An Expenses chart app (CRUD) I’ve built with React and styled with CSS and bootstrap. Where users can add items, filter by years, edit items and delete them. Including a chart diagram and a calculator.
React Weather App
A weather app I’ve built with React, multiple React hooks, JS, JSX and CSS. Including API integration, bootstrap, animated icons and fahrenheit conversion
A retro snake game I’ve built with vanilla JS, HTML and CSS in a nostalgic 8-bit aesthetics. I’ve also created original background music and sound effects and integrated it using howler.js audio library
A drawing app i've built with HTML, Canvas, CSS and vanilla JS, where user can draw, adjust colors and brush width, undo last move, and save results